Explode the Code 1 1/2


Explode the Code Book 1 1/2is designed for students who require additional practice with the concepts taught in Explode the Code Book 1, 2nd Edition (sold-separately). Perfect for reinforcement and extension activities, exercises cover the same concepts as the whole-number book: short a, short a with final consonant sounds, short i, short u, short e, and short o. Students will also gain additional practice opportunities that focus on blending sounds to read and write CVC words.

The 2nd Edition of Explode the Code features:

  • Revised student directions for precision and ease of understanding
  • Updated content and some illustrations to clarify examples
  • Stories in Books 7 & 8 were revised and/or replaced with new content

92 pages, softcover. Non-reproducible, consumable workbook. 2nd Edition. Grades 1-3.

8 in stock


ISBN: 9780838878095

Vendor: Christian Book Dis.

Item Description: Writing, Grammar, Spelling


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