Horizons Math Grade 5 Student Book 1


Horizons 5th Grade Math Student Book 1 is fast-paced and well-structured, this first of two elementary 5th grade math workbooks captures your child’s attention with colorful, engaging lessons that include concepts such as graphing points on a grid, constructing circles with a compass, counting change up to the amount given, converting measurements of time, understanding divisibility rules, multiplying by two-digit factors, and more!

But that’s not all! To ensure your child is mastering the content found in this Alpha Omega curriculum, consistent reviews are added to build comprehension after each series of 10 lesson worksheets. What’s more, the softbound Horizons 5th Grade Math Student Book 1 comes with perforated pages that are easily removed to enable your child to complete his math problems comfortably.

3 in stock


ISBN: 9781580959971
Vendor: Alpha Omega Publications
Purchase Description: math, Grade 5, JMS051

Additional information

Weight596 kg
Product Type



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