Globalization – Big Book


Explore all that brings the world together with our Globalization 3-book BUNDLE. Start off by helping students make informed decisions about civil matters with Culture, Society & Globalization. Explore the negative impacts of the spread of Western culture to the rest of the world. Represent a nation during a United Nations meeting to draft additions to human rights law. Then, learn how the global economy functions and how the world relies on each other with Economy & Globalization. Hold a panel discussion on international immigration policy. Practice exchanging world currencies using up-to-date currency exchange rates in an international airport. Finally, find out why disparities exist between developed, developing and underdeveloped nations with Technology & Globalization. Design your own transportation system and create a brochure to share the information with travelers. Explore how advances in space technology have impacted globalization. Each concept is paired with hands-on activities. Aligned to your State Standards and written to Bloom’s Taxonomy, additional crossword, word search, comprehension quiz and answer key are also included.

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ISBN: 9781553194835
Vendor: Classroom Complete Press
Purchase Description: Social Studies, Globalization

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Product Type

Social Studies


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